This has reference to Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) DNBS (PD) CC No.80/03.10.042/2005-06 dated September 28, 2006, wherein the RBI has issued Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for NBFCs and RBI's Master Circular bearing Circular RBI/2015-16/16 DNBR (PD) CC.No.054/03.10.119/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 (Master Circular) wherein the RBI has consolidated and updated all the instructions relating to the Fair Practices Code for NBFCs. RBI has asked the Board of NBFCs to implement a Fair Practice Code based on these Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a broad framework for Fair Practice standards for the Company to follow when dealing with its customers.
The Code has been developed with the following objectives:
The Fair Practices Code shall apply to the following categories of products and services offered by the Company.
The Fair Practices Code shall apply to the following categories of products and services offered by the Company.
The Fair Practices Code shall apply to the following categories of products and services offered by the Company.
Repossession clause shall be incorporated in the contract/loan agreement with the borrower which shall be legally enforceable. To ensure transparency, the terms and conditions of the contract/loan agreement shall also contain provisions regarding:
A copy of such terms and conditions shall be made available to the borrowers.
A review of compliance of the Fair Practices Code and the functioning of the grievance redressal mechanism would be done by the Management regularly and a consolidated report of such reviews will be submitted to the Board of Directors on a yearly basis. An updated copy of this code shall be put up on the Company’s website.